"We find candidates with drive, competence and passion"
HumanDrive transitioning into AIMS International Norway
When HumanDrive Executive Advisors was founded in 2015 we could look back on long and international carriers from holding several leadership positions in various international companies. We wanted to utilize that experience in order to help companies find and grow their leaders. The ambition has been from day one to ensure everyone perceives value as a candidate in the recruitment process, while employees should feel the positive impact of having a great leader.
Norwegian business and society have become international from marine industries and trade, offshore oil/gas, developing into financial, consumer goods, technology and renewable sectors. Becoming AIMS International Norway is a natural development to better serve clients with an international footprint. Our goal is to find and develop leaders that contribute to an international culture based on the company values.
AIMS International Norway is active within Executive Search, Talent Management and Board Services. We offer experience and renewal in a unique combination. We nurture long-term customer relationships and are not industry dependent. We are both a strategic partner and solve actual assignments when clients need to find candidates for a key position or to broaden the basis for decision-making prior to employment. The assignments are on top/middle management and senior specialist level. We serve both domestic and international clients and can meet your requirements anywhere in the world.
We are situated in the centre of Oslo.
Together the partners at HumanDrive bring almost 100 years of experience to our clients. We have all had executive roles making us familiar with many of the challenges senior executives are faced with. Our industry knowledge is particularly deep within banking and finance, technology and IT. We have worked internationally and for multinational companies as well as for start-ups. We’ve held senior positions within finance, sales & marketing, business development and strategy. Throughout the years we have founded and sold and bought companies, gone through refinancing exercises, restructurings, and executed growth strategies.
It is this personal experience as leaders combined with solid industry knowledge that help us build a thorough understanding of our clients businesses.

Knut Aulund
Managing Partner & Advisor
Knut has a background from Norwegian and international industry, as CEO, COO and CMO, as well as several boards both in Norway and internationally. He is a transition manager who has turned around, built and developed several businesses. Knut has been instrumental in introducing consepts like "Continuous Improvement" with a focus on creating operational excellence in organizations to strengthen competitiveness, create results and secure motivation and drive towards a collective goal.
Knut started in Executive Search because employees and owners deserve good leaders – something reflected in our shared purpose. He also has experience as a leader for Experis Executive (owned by Manpower) in Norway, before he stated HumanDrive.
+47 900 82 532

Cathinka Nielsen
Partner & Advisor
Cathinka has 16 years of experience from recruiting of leadership and key roles. She was one of the first in Norway to be an ISO certified user of organizational psychological testing tools (2006). Cathinka therefore possesses especially good competence in the advanced use of ability and personality tests in connection to the recruiting process. She has s technical/economic education supplemented with, amongst others, subjects related to organizational psychology. Previously, Cathinka has been in several leadership roles in IT/Telecom, both nationally and internationally.
Focus on product responsibility, marketing/sales, organization building and change leadership from an analog to a digital marked.
+47 905 35 156